jack and kate get put in daniels moms tent and she starts questioning them. she explains that this same man, daniel, came to her when she was 17 and told her to bury the hydrogen bomb in the ground. until she says this jack and kate dont think she will believe anything they have to say to her but then they realize that she knows what s going on. danile said both times that he was from the future and this time he told her he was her son. she said that she will do whatever jack tells her needs to be done but people build a village over the bomb. that means that the dharma initiative is living directly on top of where they buried the bomb. im not sure what they are supposed to do because daniel said that they needed to detenate it, but wont that kill everyone? i guess thats why he need everyone to evacuate the island?
meanwhile in the future locke is about to go on a hike with richard and ben, im not sure exactly what the point of it is. all i know t=is that he is trying to get answers on how to go back in time and reach the others. i dont think locke believes richard they everyone is dead, and neither do i. i am curious to see what they do and where they are headed..
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